Friday, May 9, 2008

My new found world of blogging

So Auds was trying to help me figure out this blogggin thing the other day and I thought I would give it a go.

I guess I will chat about stuff that I think is cool and frankly not care much if anyone else does. As the great Bill Shakespeare once said "BE true to thine ownself"....that I will bill.

Well my world right now revolves around the usual...Family...Church., figuring out how to get rid of the weeds in my lawn. Oh yeah I also like to ride my bike....and am committed to run too... just a couple races this year....we'll see how the running thing the name of my blog implies....not the biggest fan of running.

I think that this blog will revolve around random things that interest me so don't expect it to stay in one area...just like I rarely do.

The other day I picked up a tight book at Barnes and Noble called the Last Lecture?

it is one of the books that really makes you think about life....and how you want you legacy to look after your gone. Very interesting read....I was too cheap to buy it so I spent 25 minutes in the store reading the chapters that interested me...which was most. I hope the best for the author and his family. Auds said that she saw this cat on Oprah and it was a very moving story...

By the way as lame as it sounds i did read one of Oprahs the Tolle dude....I really thought it was a good read. Made me think more about living in the present and not focusing so much on the future. Live in the now!!!

Ella june is getting so big and grown up. She is 4 now and had a big b-day party with about 10 friends....auds went full time and a half getting the thing was a Fancy nancy party....see right here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

She had a riot and AUdra did an amazing job!!!!

Hudsons big day is coming tpp and it still amazes me that my boy will be 1..!! DUde is a freakin chunk!!! Very good boy though and he loves his Mommy....

A couple weeks ago I went down to moab and did some serious Mtn Biking with a crew of about 23 was a riot...even though I did mess my ride up pretty good.

I won't lie...standing on this arch made me a bit nervous...

Good Times though.....Audra is coming for sure next year.....she hung back home with Hudzie...dude was teething and we felt like one of us needed to be around with she took the bullet on this trip.

Well this has been a quick little recap of whats up....I will post it and check it out now!!!

let me know what you think...


Monica said...

hey, welcome to the blogging need to get your wife on!! we will see if you post more than my husband does...hopefully you post more!!

Lindsay said...

WHAT!! I am way mad at you brother! Don't even tell me you have a BLOG! I want to see pics of your kids now or your dead! Now there is no excuse for you to not comment on my blog. Love ya forever!

Jaycie Allen said...

Hi Chris! We will surely enjoy your random stories. This will be a fun way to keep in touch and have a few laughs.

Lance and Natalie said...

Christian? Theee Christian? I saw your name on Jaycie and Luke's blog and at first I thought I clicked on it and I got you! This is soooo funny. And can I tell you how excited I am to read it? You're hilarious, and might I say, random suits you well; however a good random, quite entertaining. Can't wait to read more from sister will be pumped when she finds out you have a blog....she thinks you're pretty funny too.
p.s. Hey just so I can follow, when your joking...could you just make a little side note? That would help me out a great deal:o)

spenceandcass said...

HELLO CHRISTIAN! It didn't take me long to find you! I am a serious blog stalker. So prepare to be stalked!
So glad that you have become a blogger. I am always interested in what's going on with you guys and your kids.

P.S I absolutely and positively hate running too!
Or should I say BLOG on!

spenceandcass said...

Soooo, Christian my dear.......let's hear some more wacky and random stuff.....get to bloggin man!